Tuesday, July 24, 2007

I think I might be ready

to start blogging again.

I don't know: this start-stop, start-stop rhythm that I have is bound to drive anyone crazy, especially myself.

Went to Kuching for Steve's grandma's 80th birthday over the weekend. Check. Started reading Stephen King's Lisey's Story. Check. Want to read Harry Potter. Check.

Wrote to Desmond, or rather, a black hole. Check.

You see, if I wasn't a nostalgic person, I wouldn't have done so, or even started blogging again.
It's all about nostalgia.

You blog, seemingly to document a day or an event or a moment or even a thought (if lucky), but it is always a backward-looking, a grasping at the past.

Who do I blog for, to? Myself? The reading masses? God?
Meanwhile, I wait for Steve to return to Singapore. Thursday is on its way.