Friday, May 30, 2008

I don't need a conduit

to God.

That was all done with when the veil to the Holy of Holies tore into half, all the way down the centre of the temple. And when Christ said 'It is finished.' It certainly was finished, completed, dust-both-hands done.

And when Jesus had cried out again in a loud voice, he gave up his spirit. 

At that moment the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. The earth shook and the rocks split. - Matthew 27:50-1

Now I can approach God myself. Or rather, it is Him who approaches me. 

So, beware of people who claim to be conduits to God. Only Christ is the Way... and even then, it's not quite the same as being a conduit, because Christ is also God. But he is the Way to the Father, that's certain.

Beware of those who don't claim to be conduits, but simply act like so.

Because we can listen to God, we can have a direct line to God ourselves.

It amazes me that even when I don't have time for Him sometimes to listen to what He has to say. I'm so occupied by thoughts, work, miscellaneous trivialities.

But the moment I drop them - the moment I turn away from them and look towards Him, He speaks. At the drop of the hat. That's how much I'm loved. I'm forgiven for forgetting, and He just speaks.

He can't wait to speak to His children. We just have to listen. 

       God, you're so faithful, merciful, and infinite in your love. I don't understand. But sometimes I catch glimpses of your glory. And that is enough.